Chord Adik Waniey - Single Ni Boss Kunci Gitar

Capo : No Capo

disini aku teraso sakit.. 
Em         Am
 sakit di ulu hati..
D                           G      B
terluko lagi.. hatiku dikecewa lagi..

disini denyut teraso sakit.. 
Em          Am
 sakit menyocok hati..
D             C            Em
ditinggal lagi.. kasihku hiley lagi..

Intro Em..Em Am 
        Am D..Em B

Em                         D
single lagi.. lagi-lagi ku single lagi..
D         C      D    Em     B
kasih hati.. dikebas ore lagi..
Em                             D
single lagi.. lebih baik duk sore diri..
D             C         D         Em        B
tok sakit hati.. single is better tapi happy..

Chorus 1
 disini aku teraso sakit.. 
 Em         Am
  sakit di ulu hati..
 D             C            Em      B
 ditinggal lagi.. kasihku hiley lagi..
 Em                            Bm
 panah mentari.. tok sepanah hati ini..
   D                             Em
 dale laute hindi.. tok sedale luko ini..

Am                          G
sorry morry.. sekali mu langkoh kaki..
B                          Em
jange lagi.. jange mu kembali lagi..

Int. Em..
       Em..Em Am 
       Am D..Em B

  Em                             D
hidup simple.. ore tokse kito santai sajo..
D          C        D     Em     B
baik single.. hidup happy bahagia..
  Em                           D
dari duk setio.. lalah ore tinggal kito..
  D           C        D        Em      B
baik solo sajo.. tok sakit hati dey jiwo..

Chorus 2
 lebih baik single asal happy..
 Em             Am
  janji hidup kito teney..
  D              C              Em       B
 single is better.. hidup pun seney liney..
 Em                             Bm
 berhati-hati.. dengey godaan hidung beley..
 D                                   Em
 dey buleh ke dio.. habih madu sepoh dibuang..

Am                        G
cinto ini.. kadey-kadey bahagio..
B                             Em
hati-hati.. cinto jugok buleh derito..
Am                         G
jago diri.. boyo ngita duk nanti mangso..
B                         Em
hati-hati.. dengey ayat manis kato..
DISCLAIMER Indonesiachord is focused on providing song’s lyrics and chords as an appreciation to the authors and composers who have dedicated their life in music industry, especially in Indonesia. All lyrics and their chords are originally derived from trusted sources and also from our contributors. The copyright of all songs and lyrics are owned by their respective authors, artists, and music labels.

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