Chord Vayz Luluk - Mbalek Dadi Siji Kunci Gitar

Intro C Fm Em Dm G  

tak tulis..
Fm                       C
 tembang tresno sing ora nyoto..
Fm                       Em
 tembang manis dinggo sliramu
     A             Dm
percumo.. aku mung oleh ngguyumu
tapi ra oleh atimu..

kowe ati..
Fm                         C
 sing mbesuk pengen tak nduweni..
Fm                    Em
 tak jogo nganti sak utuhe
     A             Dm
nyatane.. kasmaran karo wong liyo
        G                    C
nguwehi roso karo sing luwih mulyo..

           F         G
wes ndang ubet idamanmu
          Em       Am
wes rasah mikir atiku..
Dm        G
roso jatuhku tak gawe

        F       G
wes ojo diloro ati
          Em        Am
wes cukup mung ati iki..
ojo koyo nglakoni
    G                  C
segoro asin tetep tak uyahi..

         F          G
 tak tutupi ati.. kowe ora ngerti
        Em   -E         Am
 perihe atiku ngempet loro..
 ku sadar diri..
                  E        Am
 ku mung sandaran sementaramu..

           F           G
 wes pupus atiku.. wes semu tresnaku
           Em     -E      Am
 tak ikhlaske kowe ro liyane..
 merpati sing wes tak culke
         Fm           G     (C)
 mestine ngerti dalan mbalik e..

Int. C     G    Am    Em
       lalalala.. lalalala..
       F C Fm G C

           F         G
wes ndang ubet idamanmu
          Em       Am
wes rasah mikir atiku..
Dm        G
roso jatuhku tak gawe

        F       G
wes ojo diloro ati
          Em        Am
wes cukup mung ati iki..
ojo koyo nglakoni
    G                  C
segoro asin tetep tak uyahi..

         F          G
 tak tutupi ati.. kowe ora ngerti
        Em   -E         Am
 perihe atiku ngempet loro..
 ku sadar diri..
                  E        Am
 ku mung sandaran sementaramu..

           F           G
 wes pupus atiku.. wes semu tresnaku
           Em     -E      Am
 tak ikhlaske kowe ro liyane..
 merpati sing wes tak culke
         Fm           G      C
 mestine ngerti dalan mbalik e..
DISCLAIMER Indonesiachord is focused on providing song’s lyrics and chords as an appreciation to the authors and composers who have dedicated their life in music industry, especially in Indonesia. All lyrics and their chords are originally derived from trusted sources and also from our contributors. The copyright of all songs and lyrics are owned by their respective authors, artists, and music labels.

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